WhatsApp has introduced a new feature to the messaging app, and this time it’s a very secretive one. Do you have chats that you want to keep private? You can now protect them with a secret code. Read on to find out how it works.
Setting a Secret Code on WhatsApp
Earlier this year, WhatsApp added the ability to lock conversations in the app. These chats were then placed in a special hidden folder, and your fingerprint allowed access to these hidden conversations. Now, WhatsApp has added a new feature that completely removes all your secret chat conversations from your account until you use a code word.
Here’s how to do it: In WhatsApp, select the conversation you want to keep secret. Long-press on the conversation, click on the three dots at the top of the screen, and then select ‘Lock chat’. Then click ‘Continue’ in the pop-up and enter your fingerprint.
If you scroll up from the chat overview in WhatsApp, ‘Locked chats’ will appear at the top of the screen. Click on it and unlock with your fingerprint. You are now in the ‘Locked chats’ overview. Click on the dots at the top right of the screen, ‘Chat lock settings’, and then ‘Secret code’.
Here you can enter your own secret code, magic word, or password. Once set up, you can turn on the button under ‘Hide locked chats’. When you exit these hidden menus, your hidden chats will be nowhere to be found, not even by swiping up as before.
Revealing Chats with Secret Code
This is how you reveal your hidden chats with the secret code. On WhatsApp, select the search icon and enter your secret code. Only when you enter exactly the correct code will the hidden chats appear. And so only people with your password can read the chats.
If it doesn’t yet work on your smartphone, you have to be patient. WhatsApp will roll out the secret code function in the coming months. Many beta testers already have access to the new secret code. Do you want to become a beta tester yourself? View the article in which we explain this to you for more information.