Recent news suggests that the vivo V30 Pro is nearing its launch, with the phone making an appearance in the Geekbench database showcasing its Dimensity 8200 processor. This chipset is believed to be the one powering the V30 Pro, which is said to be based on the vivo S18 Pro. However, the S18 Pro is equipped with the more powerful Dimensity 9200+ and is currently only available in China.
It’s still too early to draw conclusions from the benchmark scores, as they show variance even with just two runs in the database. One run scored 1,045/3,637 in single/multi-core performance, while the other scored 1,223/3,784. The latter is more in line with what is expected from the Dimensity 8200. Additionally, the V30 Pro was equipped with 12GB of RAM and ran on Android 14, aligning with the fact that vivo already has phones powered by the Dimensity 8200, such as the V27 Pro and V29 Pro from the previous year.
Regarding its sibling models, the vivo V30 Lite was released at the end of 2023 with a Snapdragon 695 and a base configuration of 12/256GB. The vivo V30, which came earlier this month, features a Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 and an 8/128GB base configuration (with options going up to 12/512GB). The V30 shares similarities with the S18 but also has differences, such as a 50MP ultra-wide camera instead of 8MP. The V30 Lite differs even more from the S18e, indicating that the V30 Pro is likely to have differences from the S18 Pro beyond just the chipset.