Samsung is gearing up for the release of its next-generation Galaxy Book laptops, with a reported launch date of December 15th as per South Korean news outlet Yonhap News. The new Galaxy Book 4 series is expected to come equipped with Intel’s upcoming Core Ultra “Meteor Lake” laptop processors, set to debut on December 14th. Additionally, the devices will feature AI capabilities through Gauss, Samsung’s in-house AI model, which is also anticipated to be included in the Galaxy S24 series smartphones.
Galaxy Book 4 series will have Intel Meteor Lake processors and Samsung Gauss AI capabilities
The specifications of the top-of-the-line Galaxy Book 4 Ultra were leaked on Chinese social media via (@Tech_Reve), revealing an Intel Core Ultra 7 155H “Meteor Lake” processor (16-cores), 32GB RAM, and 1TB SSD. The laptop also features an Nvidia GeForce RTX 4050 GPU with 6GB of VRAM, as well as a Samsung-made 14.5-inch OLED touch panel with a resolution of 1,600 x 2,880 px, a 120Hz refresh rate, and a 16:10 aspect ratio.