Whenever you open your mailbox, keep an eye out for suspicious emails. Protecting yourself from malware, especially on your phone, is crucial. Let us enlighten you about the advantages of AVG antivirus software.
GDPR protection
Your laptop probably already has an antivirus program installed to secure your personal files from ill-intentioned individuals. But, did you know that it is also beneficial to have antivirus software on your phone? Most likely, you use your smartphone to connect online more frequently and it tends to run much faster.
You must have come across AVG before. With millions of users globally, AVG antivirus software offers online safety to everyone. We will emphasize the benefits of having AVG antivirus software on your smartphone.
3 biggest risks for your smartphone
When using your smartphone, you should be aware of the risks associated with phishing scams. Whether it’s through email, SMS, or social media, phishing attempts can lead to the theft of sensitive information.
While downloading new apps, especially simple games, be cautious of “malicious” apps that ask for unnecessary permissions and potentially access private data. This risk exists, even when downloading from the Google Play Store. Malicious apps are a concern.
For those who prefer smartphones’ extensive customization, “rooting” gives greater access, which can be exploited by dangerous parties to obtain data.
AVG antivirus software on your phone
To avert these vulnerabilities, AVG antivirus software comes into play. AVG ensures that the WiFi networks you connect to are secure and blocks viruses and malware. It warns you when potential threats arise and filters out fake sites and phishing scams.
For everyone’s convenience, AVG offers a free version. It promises basic protection against viruses and ransomware. The paid version provides more extensive protection with additional features.
There are two paid versions to choose from: AVG Internet Security and AVG Ultimate. They include various features catering to different security needs.
AVG temporarily cheaper
Both versions of AVG antivirus software are currently being offered at a reduced price. Taking advantage of the offer will save you money. You can even try AVG Internet Security for free for the first 30 days before making a commitment. After the initial discounted period, regular pricing will apply.