Apple Vision Pro’s launch date in the US has been further delayed according to a latest report. The new report comes from the noted Apple analyst Mark Gurman of Bloomberg. In his latest Power On weekly newsletter for Bloomberg, Gurman claims that Apple might release the Vision Pro in the US through a Spring event. Notably, at the WWDC 2023 back in June, Apple announced that the mixed reality headset would be available sometime early next year. It seems that the release would not be as early as it was expected to be. Let’s take a look at the Apple Vision Pro launch date in global markets.
Apple Vision Pro Launch Delayed in the US and Global Markets
Technically, Apple announced that the Vision Pro will launch commercially in the US in early 2024 without specifying any set timeline for it. However, Mark Gurman states that the Cupertino-based tech giant had plans to release Vision Pro in January 2024. However, it seems that the brand is still conducting final device testing for the mixed-reality headset and preparing distribution plans ahead of the commercial release. Therefore, Gurman claims that Apple might now debut the Vision Pro sometime around March 2024.
According to the analyst, Apple will first launch its ambitious Spatial Computing headset in the US. After that, the company will launch it in a select few global markets later in 2024. Gurman has also revealed a shocking detail about the availability of the mixed reality headset. According to the analyst, the Apple Vision Pro will only be available in Apple retail stores by appointment or online through the official Apple Online Store.
The report states that the Vision Pro will not be available through third-party retailers or Apple-authorized retailers. Elaborating upon this move, Gurman says that the brand is planning to curate the rollout experience for its most ambitious product to date. It will be challenging for retail stores to maintain an inventory of different prescription lenses and sizes of headbands to offer the perfect fit and vision for all interested users.
Moreover, it appears that Apple is nearing the end of the software development cycle for the visionOS beta. According to 9to5Mac, the latest visionOS beta features product on boarding assets and material, which are typically the last addition to any software development cycle. It’s safe to assume that Apple might hold a Spring Event in March 2024 to showcase features and apps like Disney+ Hotstar or Telegram during the event, and also announce the release date.